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Whatever business or marketing challenge you’re facing, we can face it with you.
In today’s dynamic business climate, you need a partner who can think quickly and creatively, turn your own instincts into viable strategic choices, and grasp the new opportunities technology throws up every day.
We’re The Frameworks: specialist B2B marketing agency and proudly employee-owned.

Our work

For more than 30 years, we’ve combined strategy, creativity and technology as we challenge businesses to not just capitalise on opportunities, but identify new ones. To reinvent the way they face the future – and the way they tell that story to the world.
Reinventing possibilities for some of the world’s biggest B2B brands.

Frame of Mind

We’re constantly challenging ourselves – and each other – to think beyond today’s accepted wisdom and define tomorrow’s.
Sheri Brissenden

“Me now” is our series of women talking to women about being in the creative industries today. Sharon Booth, Finance Partner, and Sheri Brissenden, HR Partner, discuss the creative side of accounting and not believing in failure.

Ben Bush

In the UK at least, there’s an artificial – and frankly unhealthy – societal divide between the arts and the sciences. Apparently, you’re either in one camp or the other. But when it comes to business strategy, bringing creative thinking and scientific rigour together turns out to be a winning formula.